For lack of anything else entertaining to watch, I’ve been rewatching Mad Men, the brilliant television series that explores the vast social changes that occurred in the 60’s. The cloistered ad men struggle to cope with issues such as sexism, racism and classism, amongst the backdrop of assassinated presidents, race-riots, war and civil disobedience. That struggle, in part, is reflected in a lack of factual awareness, or willful blindness – by the protagonists as to the power behind that change. Which to a large extent in the 60’s was demographic.I think we’re experiencing a similar societal shift. 


But I don’t think that the current change is demographically driven. During the pandemic I interviewed someone on the Talk Show regarding the housing market, who was optimistic about the future. He made historical reference to the boom periods that occurred after the pandemics of the early 20th century. Suffice it to say, that didn’t occur.


Our collective resilience was sorely tested by the pandemic and resulting economic realignment. We now struggle to make ends meet. Economic disparity is more pronounced. We’re fatigued as individuals and society. So it isn’t really surprising that our patience is wearing thin; that we’re becoming less civil. And the news cycle has been like a car crash that we just can’t take our eyes off of. I think we could all use a break.


My first reaction is typically to lament (see above) and try to tune out and entertain myself (also see above). But, neither are particularly effective long-term coping mechanisms. So, I’ve decided to do something to turn the tide. My voice is relatively small in the scheme of things. But I’ll do what I can. This issue is dedicated to everyone out there who is feeling overwhelmed. I feel you. I really do. I have some insight into the physiology of anxiety and some suggestions on what you can do, for yourself (at p. 22). Because, before you can tackle the big stuff you have to get your own proverbial house in order.


And, you can join me and the collection of beautiful spirits (the yogis who you can get to know better at p. 13) for OmTO 23. Pre-Covid, for a number of years,  I hosted an annual yoga festival – which drew many, many people for a fantastic day of movement and mindfulness. I’ve decided to bring the event back, albeit in a different way. On December 17, I’ll be hosting a full day of yoga, movement and mindfulness classes (and some giveaways), designed to foster calm, rest, health, peace and peace of mind.  I promise that we’ll try our very best to lift your spirits, just when we need it most. 


As always, if you have any comments about this note or anything else you’ve read in this issue of The Tonic magazine, please feel free to reach out. …Or chat me up at OmTO!