Fitness & Weight Loss – The Tonic

Fitness & Weight Loss

Fitness & Weight Loss

Obesity is a Multifactorial Chronic Disease

Losing Weight is Complicated  By Jamie Bussin and Dr. Sasha High At the top of every episode of The Tonic Talk Show/Podcast I say the same ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

You Can Strength Train At Home

Outfitting and Using Your Own Gym By Tim Irvine and Jamie Bussin Lots of people gave up their gym membership during the Covid shutdown and ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

Ozempic and Your Brain

The Long Term Effects Of Taking The Drug By Dr. Henry Mahncke and Jamie Bussin We know that Ozempic, and other GLP-1 agonist drugs are ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

Writing Your Way to Wellness:

The Role of Journaling in Diet and Fitness By: Jamie Bussin and Kathleen Trotter I get it. Even if you’re inclined to keep a personal ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

Help, I’m Getting…Puny!

Maintaining Muscle Mass By Jamie Bussin Some years ago, when I was still in my forties I had the opportunity to go to Canyon Ranch, a ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

Up Your Game

Smarter Fabrics For Better Workouts By: Jamie Bussin Smart clothing are those garments that have been technologically enhanced to provide ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

Can You (Actually) Do Yoga Without Meditation?

What “Practice” Really Means By Julie Watson To get to the bottom of this question, we actually need to ask “what is yoga, ...
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Fitness & Weight Loss

The Art of Adapting

How you can become better at welcoming change By Stacy Irvine These last few years have taught us many new things. As we worked through ...
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