Welcome to this episode of The Tonic, terrestrially broadcast on June 10 and 11 2023 on AM740 and FM 96.7 in Toronto. Topics covered on the show track the lifestyle articles and themes published in Tonic Magazine. This week we’ll discuss how to help our four footed friends suffering with allergies with nutraceutical formulator Dr. Gordon Chang, how a couple can eat healthy on $250 per week with Registered Dietician Shauna Lindzon, new treatments for Inflammatory Bowel Disease with Dr. Vipul Jairath and how AI is being used to help people diet with Professor Britt Burton-Freeman

We specifically discuss:

Coping with Pet Allergies

  • Our pets can suffer from seasonal/environmental allergies
  • What causes pet allergies?
  • Cleansing
  • How do pet allergies manifest?
  • Antioxidants for pet allergens
  • Probiotics
  • Are human nutraceuticals safe for pet use?
  • Herbal remedies
  • Health Canada regulates pet supplements
  • How far in advance do you start preventative measures?
  • Are Veterinarians comfortable prescribing nutraceuticals?


Eating Healthy on $250 per Week

  • Food inflation
  • The arbitrary budget of $250
  • Start with the proteins
  • Eggs – buy them in bulk
  • Freezing proteins
  • Stocking your pantry
  • Planning your meals for the week
  • Pre-cut fruits and vegetables?
  • Eating out within this budget…is it possible?


Inflammatory Bowel Disease

  • What is Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)?
  • Symptoms of Ulcerative Colitis (UC) and Crohn’s Disease (CD)
  • Reducing the risk of developing Colon Cancer
  • Delay in diagnosis
  • Colonoscopy, CT and MRI scans
  • Increase in the number of people suffering with IBD
  • Better pathways of care are required
  • Better engagement with technology
  • More research is needed
  • Why older Canadians are the fastest growing group impacted by IBD


AI and Your Diet

  • The Nutrition For Precision Health Study
  • Who are the participants in the study?
  • How will AI be used in this study?
  • The type and volume of data being collected
  • What sort of results can we expect from personalized diets?
  • Impacts on obesity, diabetes and blood pressure control
  • Will the study be used for public policy initiatives?
  • The groundbreaking scale of this study


To learn more about show sponsor OmegaAlpha and Dr. Gordon Chang go here.

To learn more about Shauna Lindzon go here.

To learn more about Dr. Vipul Jairath go here.

To learn more about Britt Burton-Freeman go here.