Welcome to this episode of The Tonic, terrestrially broadcast on July 27 and 28 2024 on AM740 and FM 96.7 in Toronto. Topics covered on the show track the lifestyle articles and themes published in The Tonic Magazine. We’ll discuss what it’s like to lose your sight, with Ben Akuoko, how the heat impacts your brain with neuroscientist Dr. Henry Mahncke PhD, summer sleep tips with neuropsychologist Dr. Maude Bouchard PhD and keeping our sheltered animals cool with shelter behaviour consultant Melissa Shupack

We specifically discuss:

What It’s Like To Lose Your Sight

  • Losing sight at a young age
  • The diagnosis of Retinitis Pigmentosa
  • Genetic eye conditions
  • Cultural biases as a newcomer to Canada
  • Misconceptions regarding sight loss
  • Multicultural under-representation
  • You can still live your life and make an impact


The Heat and Your Brain

  • Why does the heat affect your brain?
  • The frontal cortex
  • Brain fog
  • Older people are more vulnerable to impacts
  • “Halfway tired”
  • How do we know when the heat is impacting our brain?


Summer Sleep Tips

  • Why is sleep during summer months hard for some?
  • Sleep and the change of seasons
  • Sleep schedules and patterns
  • Alcohol
  • Summertime factors impacting sleep
  • Cognitive therapy
  • Insomnia
  • Body temperature


Keeping Shelter Animals Cool

  • How are pets impacted by the heat?
  • How can we keep our pets cool during the heat?
  • Pet safe cooling treats
  • The Toronto Humane Society shelter protocols for heat
  • Summer Chill Program



Learn more about Ben Akuoko go here

Learn more about Dr. Henry Mahncke PhD go here

To learn more about Dr. Maude Bouchard PhD go here

To learn more about Melissa Shupak and the Summer Chill Program go here