Welcome to this episode of The Tonic, terrestrially broadcast on September 14 and 15 2024 on AM740 and FM 96.7 in Toronto. Topics covered on the show track the lifestyle articles and themes published in The Tonic Newsletter and on the Tonic Website. We’ll discuss constipation and colon health with Dr. Gordon Chang PhD, how naturopaths can help with pain management with Dr. Tracey Teasdale ND, how dealing with shame leads to empowerment with author Dr. Abbie Marono PhD and how to overcome rejection with master social worker and author Pia Hargrove.

We specifically discuss:

Constipation and Colon Health

  • Health issues related to the colon
  • Constipation
  • Laxatives
  • Preventative measures
  • Fiber and fiber supplements
  • Water
  • Exercise and movement
  • Probiotics
  • What happens if you’re irregular?
  • Supplements


How Naturopaths Can Help With Pain Management

  • Factors that contribute to pain
  • Interactivity of factors
  • Integrating exercise into treatment plans
  • Movement and pain
  • Lean, balanced, body mass
  • The collateral benefits of exercise and movement
  • Causes of pain
  • Naturopaths’ core elements of treatment


Shame and Empowerment

  • The inspiration and motivation to write about shame
  • What is meant by “empowerment”?
  • Mastering our emotions
  • Shame in itself isn’t a negative
  • Shame as a cultural, moralistic tool
  • Shame as a signal that something must change


Overcoming Rejection

  • What is rejection?
  • Are their real sources rejection?
  • Removing our subjective response to rejection
  • Manifestations of rejection
  • Coping whether rejection is real or perceived
  • How do we help kids with issues of rejection and self-esteem?




To learn more about show sponsor OmegaAlpha and Dr. Gordon Chang PhD go here.

To learn more about Dr. Tracey Teasdale ND go here

To learn more about Dr. Abbie Marono PhD go here

To learn more about Pia Hargrove go here